What's In There?

Europe is the second smallest continent! 10.18 million square km. It is very small but a lot of countries. There are 44 independent countries in Europe. Some of them are: Finland, Sweden, Ireland, France and many more! There are 51 states in all of Europe! For example, Aquitaine, Franche-Comte, Burgundy and Auvergne are some states in France.


Country Capital Population (in million)
Austria Vienna 8.859
Belgium Brussels 11.46
Denmark Copenhagen 5.806
Estonia Tallinn 1.325
Finland Helsinki 5.518
France Paris 66.99
Greece Athens 10.72
Germany Berlin 83.02
Hungary Budapest 9.773
Ireland Dublin 4.906
Italy Rome 60.36
Luxembourg Luxembourg 0.613
Malta Valletta 0.493
Moldova Chișinău 3.546
Netherlands Amsterdam 17.28
Poland Warsaw 37.97
Romania Bucharest 19.41
Switzerland Bern 8.545
Sweden Stockholm 10.23
Slovakia Bratislava 5.45
Slovenia Ljubljana 2.081
Serbia Belgrade 6.964
Spain Madrid 46.94
Uk London 66.65